Dental Implants Vs. Bridge

Missing teeth can affect the confidence and self-esteem of a person. Many procedures are available to treat this condition. This article will focus on dental implant and bridge, so you can decide which treatment option is better for you.

What is the difference between a dental implant and a dental bridge?

A dental implant is a surgical procedure, while dental bridges would only be minorly invasive.

Dental implant procedure. This procedure would involve cutting the gums and drilling a hole in the jawbone for the metal post to fit. Then when the metal post is inserted into the bone, a dental implant crown would be fit onto the abutment to complete the look of the dental implant.

Dental bridges. A dental bridge is also used to replace missing teeth, but it does not require extensive surgery. The procedure will require drilling the teeth that are adjacent to the missing tooth and then a dental crown will be placed. This crown will have a fake tooth that is attached in the middle of the two dental crowns. The tooth stumps will be the ones to hold the crown in place.

Which would be covered by dental insurance?

Most dental insurances would offer coverage for dental bridges, but not for dental implants. On top of this, the price for dental implants is much higher than that of dental bridges, this is one of the reasons for people choosing dental bridges over implants. Especially for people who do not have any dental insurance coverage, the price of dental bridges would be much more attractive than that of dental implants.

Recovery period

A patient will not need to recover after getting a dental bridge, because it is a minimally invasive procedure. Once the new teeth have been set, the dentist will warn the patient to avoid eating or drinking for a few hours and that would be it. However, since a dental implant would involve a surgical procedure, it would entail recovery. It is normal to feel pain during the recovery period. It would take a few days to a few weeks to recover from the dental implant.

How long do they last?

This is where dental implants would have a better outcome rather than dental bridges. Dental implants can last a lifetime, as long as good oral hygiene habits are practiced, they would need little to no maintenance or replacement. They will be treated as normal teeth. However, dental bridges will need to be replaced every five to seven years. The longest lifespan of a dental bridge would only be 10 years, no matter how well a person takes care of it.

How to choose the right procedure for your missing tooth

To be able to make the most informed decision about which procedure will work best for your case, you can talk to your dentist. You can let them know which procedure you prefer, and if you have dental insurance or not, so they can also help you make the decision based on those factors. Your Available Dental Care dentist in Campbelltown, NSW is the best person to ask about which type of procedure would work best for you.