Undestanding What Exactly Is Overbite


An overbite is a condition whereby the front teeth stick out further beyond the lower teeth. In today’s world, image is considered everything and as such, more people are overly conscious of how they look. The teeth are one of the most noticeable features on one’s face.

As a result, overbites tend to make teeth look unattractive and ineffective if the problem is not properly dealt with. We shall have a deeper scope of overbites and get to understand the intricate details surrounding it.

Causes of Overbite

Overbite Reenactment

This condition could be hereditary or can be brought about by a malformed jaw. This malformation will come as a result of certain habits picked and developed when a child is still very young therefore forming an underdeveloped lower jaw.

Examples of such habits include tongue-thrusting, thumb sucking, and prolonged bottle feeding. This doesn’t mean that jaw malformation cannot be developed in the later stages of life. Habits such as nail-biting or eraser head- chewing may also result in an overbite in the long run.

Ways of Correction

The most common method of correcting an overbite is orthodontics. An orthodontist will first examine the positioning of your jaw and mouth. The orthodontist will thereupon determine the best course of treatment to be applied in line with your or your child’s misalignment.

First, the specialist will x-ray the teeth and then take impressions to get a clear understanding of the upper and lower jaw alignment. Secondly, dental braces will be placed on the affected teeth for the sole purpose of straightening the teeth.

Treatment could take more than a year, depending on the gravity of the overbite. If the overbite is severe, tooth extraction may be necessary so that other teeth can move into place with ease. Surgical procedures may be initiated in cases of malocclusions (misalignment of the teeth between the two dental arches when they approach each other as the jaws close). Since the jaws of children haven’t fully developed, it is much easier for an overbite to be fixed.

Read more about some dental facts by clicking on the link.